Self Assessment

Are you chemically dependent on drugs, alcohol or any kind of substance abuse?

It's a tough question, but if you have a problem, the first step to recovery is admitting it exists. We have developed few questions to help you determine your answer. Take a few minutes and answer them honestly and sincerely as you can. This simple test/assessment may save your life.

Questions for Self-Assessment

1.  Are you unhappy with the way your life is going and live in fear of loved ones finding out you drink or use?

2.  Do you find yourself preoccupied with the thoughts of drug, drinking or substance abuse?

3.  Do you question yourself whether or not you have a problem?

4.  Do you drink or use alone? If so, how often?

5.  Can you stop yourself from using or drinking?

6.  Do you use drug or drink regardless of the consequences?

7.  Has your relationships been negatively affected and jeopardy of losing your job or family because of use?

8.  Has your sex drive been negatively affected?

9.  Do you refuse to go places socially where you cannot use or drink?

10.  Do you need to drink or use drug to have fun, to enhance your social life or to get acceptance?

11.  Do you ever spend money that should be spent on bills or on other requirements?

12.  Do you have any legal problems as a result of use?

13.  Do you use drug or drink to cope with feelings of pain, anger, fear, rejection or depression?

14.  Do you compromise your values or morals for a drink or to use?

15.  Do you feel that you are different from others and that no one understands you?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you could have a life-controlling problem with alcohol or drugs. We can help you to get rid of this problem.

For more information about our programs, please write to us or

Call us on +91-9811443489.