Myth # 1. Addicts are terrible, lethargic, hopeless people in the society.

Myth # 2.  Treatment should not be given unless they become violent and make problem in the society.

Myth # 3.  People, who practice addiction occasionally don’t have problems.

Myth # 4.  Alcohol, ganja are used in festivals, while cough syrups etc. are medicines, therefore they can be consumed without any harm.

Myth # 5.  Alcohol improves appetite and sexual instinct.

Behavior of active addiction could be seen by the following manner:

1.  Egotistical or conceited: for example, boastful, self-important, self-centered, jealous or envious

2.  Attention-seeking or synthetic: for example, always tries to be the center of attention, dramatizes, displays theatrical and exaggerated expressions of emotion

3.  Intolerant or spiteful: for example, unkind, mean, merciless, brutal etc.

4.  Insincere or untrustworthy: for example, malicious gossip, secret extramarital affairs

5.  Dominant or dictatorial: for example, bossy, over aggressive, disrespectful, over-controlling, authoritarian behavior

6.  Criminal and/or violent: for example, destroys property, physically assaults others etc.

The following are the signs that you need to look for:

1.  The person starts to lie.

2.  Unreliable.

3.  Withdraw from family and friends.

4.  Does not finish what he starts.

5.  Mood swings.

6.  Depress.

7.  Sleeping schedule upside down.

8.  Isolates oneself.

9.  Steals

The technical term “Denial” takes place, when a person takes alcohol or drugs excessively, which is followed several problems arise that are clearly visible to others. Still the person continues to say that he is doing well and has no problems at all. This is called 'denial'. Addicts deny their problem in order to protect themselves from feeling hurt, sad or guilty and also to continue with their drinking or drug-taking.
Denial can be seen in various forms:

1.  Simple denial: The addict says he has no problem with drinking or drug-taking

2.  Blaming: Claiming that others are the cause of his addiction

3.  Rationalizing: Producing 'intelligent' excuses for addiction

4.  Sidetrack: Avoiding any talk about his addiction

5.  Aggression: Initiating fights and quarrels, which provides an excuse to drink or take drugs

It is a process in which the patient is administered drugs, diet and a change of atmosphere to break the routine of addiction. Required medical and counseling support is also provided as withdrawal symptoms (commonly called "turkey") like disorientation, sleeplessness, and restlessness often occur during detoxification. Minimum period of detoxification would be 15 days.

A qualified physician medically supervises your detoxification from alcohol and drugs. Medication may be prescribed to keep you comfortable, but not everyone goes through detoxification without some discomfort. We do not use methadone for detoxification from opiates.

A rehabilitation center helps addicts in the recovery process. The centers usually have an outlined residential program. Use of discipline, creative & constructive routines and psychological treatment methods are the salient features of the centers. The addicts are helped to analyze themselves, confront defensive behavior and learn coping patterns. The duration of the patient's stay may vary from 34 days to 6 months.

Any medications prescribed by a qualified physician that are necessary for your well-being will be kept with the concern person at our center. Patients may receive necessary medication at pre-set times according to the schedule of activities.

A person is on the recovery path when he abstains from or stops the use of addictive substance completely, examines and improves a self-thinking, feeling and behavior pattern; that is he tries to make reasonable changes in his lifestyle. The recovered addict also starts rehabilitating himself in family, job, education and career. He also takes efforts in learning ways to cope with free time, money and relationships, which is channeling energies into positive ways.

Yes, we do provide specialized Medical service. But, if you require such specialized medical services while at Teen Challenge, please be aware that you will need to pay for those services with cash or cheque at the time of each service.

Person comes back educated about his illness, believes that he can remain without addictive substance, and continues with his work. He sees other addicts in worse conditions and remains watchful of his own deterioration if he goes in to relapse. He is also aware of the disadvantages of substance abuse, and that if he does not take proper precautions there are chances of relapse.

Role of family members/caregivers in helping the addict is very crucial.

1.  They need to accept that the addict is ill, and should accompany him for treatment like any other patient

2.  They need to play a remedial role as prescribed by the counselor

3.  Changing their thinking, feeling and behavior patterns is necessary

4.  It is important to play a vigilant role in case the patient slips back to addiction

5.  The family should try and lead a normal life within the circumstances

Yes, and he can even progress and help other addicts during their treatment and recovery. He can restart his education, career plans, family reunification etc. He should however always completely abstain from all addictive, dependency-producing substances as there is a danger of relapse of some abuse or shift to a new abuse.

AA is Alcoholics Anonymous, a self-help group started by and for the alcoholics. NA is Narcotics Anonymous, a self-help group for users of narcotic drugs like brown sugar, charas, ganja, cocaine etc. These groups have free membership, they provide anonymity and a sense of belonging to their members.