Men’s Program

Men’s Program:

The general survey carried out by Teen Challenge was shocking and alarming, that about 70-75% of the men in Kali Basti (Uttam Nagar, West Delhi) were the victims of various kind of substance abuse. Gambling, alcoholism, drug addiction, wife beating, ill treatment of children, etc., were regular. Most men were either unemployed or under-employed and live on the earnings of their wives and children. Seeing these pathetic states, Teen Challenge took up the challenge to make the difference in the lives of these men. For men, we have programs such as –

• Identifying & Counseling & Awareness Programs:

Focused on the preventive measures by identifying and providing Individual and Group Counseling people with life controlling problems.

• Short & Long Term Rehabilitation:

After identifying and counseling people with life controlling problems we send for short term and long term rehabilitation programs. Since 1999, Teen Challenge has successfully delivered more than 230 people from life controlling problems. Today, many of our clients are leading successful life in the family and society.

• Job Placement:

We network with other like-minded agencies and organizations to locate suitable jobs and works for the unemployed and underprivileged men of the community.