Set Free

It is Possible to Free Yourself from any Addiction

If you can accept the following changes in yourself:

You should be ready to show clearly that you want to get away from the restrictions of your former life, by making a clear change. For that it is important to look at your addiction, accept it without further deception. Accept outside help, if necessary.

Return to true spirituality, which does not mean go to church, but to go inside of you, where true spirituality lives, and look for God in your own heart.

Be completely honest with yourself and other; decide not to use any kind of lie anymore.

Let the past go, don’t hang on to it, clean up and throw everything out that reminds you of the past.

Avoid thinking of old times and of your addiction.

Keep away from old friends and things that are connected with your addiction in any way. Avoid even the places that remind you, get rid of all the reminders in you home, even the clothes you wore as an addict. If necessary move away- otherwise you are living all the old energies, which pulled you down.

Go to the meetings of groups only as long as they can help you. At first they can help you get way form addiction, but later-on they keep you down, because most often they all talk about addiction, and the subject is always present, whether verbally expressed or not. But having to do with you addiction constantly one way or the other, will keep you there! Most other remain alcoholics for the rest of their lives, even if they don’t drink anymore – just by staying in those energies and by believing it. There is no need for that you can be cured.

Let your self-pity go, it is just an illusion, a lie.

Accept your own responsibility for your whole life – there is no one who is responsible for you or your situation but yourself – and that is why you can change everything now.

Start working on the true causes of addiction, the blockages inside of you.

Start praying from your heart, in your own words – God and the Divine Beings don’t help without being asked, because they respect your free will.

Start working with the light and love of God and learn to live in Unconditional Love because that will help you in an optimize way.