
Narender Kumar grateful for a New Way…
“Till 9th grade I was a good student. But later I got into bad company of friend who pushed me into all sort of bad habits and started to use Marijuana, smack, pills and injections and involved in criminal acts. The police was after me and there are times I was put behind the bars. My notorious behavior brought pain, agony and shame to my family. As a result father passed away. Family and relatives started to hate me, but my mother, who still loved me, took me to different hospital and de-addiction center that I may be free from addiction. Her efforts were all in waste. Day by day, for the last 15 years, I sunk into addiction. My life became a mess. I started to hate my own life and begged all gods to let me die. One day I attended a day care center, from where I came to know about Teen Challenge. So, I thought that I would give a final try at Teen Challenge and came to it in the year 2003.

To my amazement Teen Challenge staffs gladly accepted me and made me feel my worth by loving and caring me. My life began to change at Teen Challenge and here I came to know the real purpose of my life and experience the power of God (as I came from a Hindu background). By the help of God and Teen Challenge, I could come out of the bondage of addiction and dedicated my life unto the service of the Lord that I would help other be free from their addiction.

Today, by God’s grace I am well settled in life and so happy with my wife and two daughters. He has given me back everything the enemy stole and made it possible to live a life pleasing to GOD. My heart is full of gratitude for God and Teen Challenge. And also I want to thank every staff of Teen Challenge who showed me the way and poured their life on people like me. If it was not for Teen Challenge I would have not been what I am today."

Balwant Singh thankful to God for transformed life…
“I come from Sikh family in Punjab. At the age of 8, my father committed suicide. After my father death, our family went through lot of struggles and difficulties. Relatives and friends tortured us in every situation. I grew up in the midst of this chaos and became very rebellious. When I was just 13, I started to drink. With great difficulty I finished my 10 grade, but meanwhile I was deep into alcoholism. Seeing my pathetic condition my mother tried to end up her own life by consuming poison, but miraculously survived. Inspite of all such things nothing changed me. I was become bad to worse. To satisfy my craving by then I started to use all kind to addiction (pills, marijuana, smack, injected etc). I was so blinded by my addiction that I started to steal from my family to feed my addiction.I was living in total mess. I start to hate my life and at times thought to kill myself as my father did. Though deep in my heart I wanted to give up my addiction, but was not able to do so.

One day, feeling completely hopeless and desperate, I cried out to God for help. A pastor approached me and told me about Teen Challenge where I could get my life all together. I listened to his counsel and came to Teen Challenge and my life has never been the same. At Teen Challenge, God delivered me from the bondages of addiction and made me a new person in Him. He turned my life completely around and I now have purpose, hope and a future. I am truly thankful for the love and support given to me by the Pastors and staff at Teen Challenge Delhi. They poured so much into my life and for that I will always grateful."

Vinod thanking God for bringing joy in life…
Vinod was five years old when he ran from home to escape the strong hands of his stepmother. A railway ticket collector found him hungry and crying at a train station. Taking compassion, he adopted the boy as his own, naming him Vinod, which means "happy" or "joyful.”

Vinod largely raised himself due to his adoptive father’s busy work schedule. Lonely, he jumped into a gang of friends who taught him to steal and use narcotics. Before long, he was a wanted man, addicted to every drug on the market.

Vinod lived life as a beggar and addict on India’s trains for the next 10 years. His life turned around at 35 years of age when he encountered a Teen Challenge rehabilitation program in Delhi. There he found the joy and happiness his father spoke over him many years ago. He is a proud graduate of the program and dedicates his time to helping old friends find freedom from their addictions.

Sangeeta a grateful empowered woman…
Today Sangeeta is clothed with strength and dignity, but that was not the condition when Sangeeta and her husband came from Uttar Pradesh seeking a livelihood in Delhi. Unfortunately, her husband couldn’t find a better job and end up as Rickshaw puller. Living in Kali Basti as a family life went through lot of pain and struggles. She worked as a housemaid to meet the needs of the family. But one fine day she came to Teen Challenge women empowerment center through our mobilizing team and enrolled herself for Cutting and Tailoring program.

Successfully completing her Diploma in Cutting and Tailoring, Sangeeta started a small scale job from her house. Sangeeta says, “as the result of the skill training that I received from Teen Challenge, today I am earning pretty good for my family”. Today, Sangeeta laughs without fear of the future. [Prov 31:25]

Anil A thankful teenager.
“My name is Anil Kumar; I come from a Hindu family from Krishna Colony, known as Kali Basti located in Uttam Nagar, New Delhi. Out of my 6 siblings I am the youngest one. From the childhood, I have been through lot of troubles as my father was alcoholic, who died in his early 40’s because of addiction. When my father died, I was just 12 years old and my mother was unable to take care of us. As an unattended, I started to grow up troublesome and rebellious child. I was dropped out from school because of my bad company of friends, who pushed me into all kinds of bad habits. Though our family went through lots of troubles, financial crisis and difficulties after my father’s death but it never bothered me. I was living in my own world by experimenting marijuana and smoking. Slowly, my life became pathetic.

To support the family my elder sister look-up a job in small shop and got to know about Jesus Christ through a lady who was working with her. My sister was introduced to Hope AG Church (formerly known as Teen Challenge Church). I was dead against her for this action. It was here they told my family about the Teen Challenge program where I would be send for my life controlling problem.

So, my family enrolled me Teen Challenge Adolescent Rehab Center at Reasi, Jammu. Adamantly I went there, but came back to my old life after two months stay in rehab by putting false allegations on the Center. Very soon I realized my mistake and went back to Rehab Center wholeheartedly. I was touched by the love and care TC staff showed in taking me again. Now I was determined to change myself for good. As I started to take the rehab program seriously my life was totally changed. In the course of time I have accepted Christ as my saviour and followed His commandments. My interest towards studies grew again. Being in the rehab center, I finished my 10th grade exam and now pursuing for Senior Secondary School. I have committed my life to serve the Lord by helping and rescuing Teenagers with life controlling problems.

I am so thankful to each staff members of Teen Challenge especially Pr. Moses Samuel for treating me like a younger brother and helping through my most difficult times."