Women’s Program

Women’s Program

Women have been relegated to secondary position despite the fact that they numerically constitute about half the world population today. It’s due to lack of empowerment. Thus, empowering women is the key-device that would enable them to resurrect their status multifariously in the society and reconcile them to share virilities of the fast developing world. To empower women, Teen Challenge implements following Programs:

• Counseling & Literacy Program:

To empower women of Kali Basti, TC Delhi offers a short term Literacy Program for the women. The aim of the literacy program is to enable them to read & write and also make them aware of their rights. We also conduct regular group and individual counseling session to help women to protect their own cause.

• Vocational Training:

To uplift the socio-economic status of the women of Kali Basti, we provide programs such as:

  • Diploma in Tailoring:

    It is a six month program which covers a basic training on tailoring, embroidery, stitching ladies suits and dresses etc. This program enables women to attain more financial assistance and have sufficient time to take care of the well being of her family, than going from one place to another seeking job.

  • Diploma in Beauty Culture:

    This is a one year program. We offer basic skills in skin care, hair care, hair dressing, cosmetology, mehandi, bridal dress etc. These courses not only enable women to upgrade their economic status, but also give them an excellent scope for entrepreneurship. Today some of the women who have completed their program through Teen Challenge are earning well in society.